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Twenty-First Century Bollywood (ePub eBook)

Twenty-First Century Bollywood (ePub eBook)

eBook by Gehlawat, Ajay

Twenty-First Century Bollywood (ePub eBook)


Publication Date:
08 May 2015
Taylor and Francis
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Twenty-First Century Bollywood (ePub eBook)


Key changes have emerged in Bollywood in the new millennium. Twenty-First Century Bollywood traces the emerging shifts in both the content and form of Bollywood cinema and examines these new tendencies in relation to the changing dynamics of Indian culture. The book historically situates these emerging trends in relation to previous norms, and develops new, innovative paradigms for conceptualizing Bollywood in the twenty-first century.The particular shifts in contemporary Bollywood cinema that the book examines include the changing nature of the song and dance sequence, the evolving representations of male and female sexuality, and the increasing presence of whiteness as a dominant trope in Bollywood cinema. It also focuses on the increasing presence of Bollywood in higher education courses in the West, as well as how BollywoodOs growing presence in such academic contexts illuminates the changing ways in which this cinema is consumed by Western audiences.Shifting the focus back on the cinematic elements of contemporary films themselves, the book analyses Bollywood films by considering the film dynamics on their own terms, and related to their narrative and aesthetic usage, rather than through an analysis of large-scale industrial practices. It will be of interest to students and scholars of South Asian Studies, Film Studies, and Cultural Studies.

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