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Experimental British television (ePub eBook)

Experimental British television (ePub eBook)

eBook by Mulvey, Laura/Sexton, Jamie;

Experimental British television (ePub eBook)


Publication Date:
01 Jul 2015
Manchester University Press
232 pages
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Experimental British television (ePub eBook)


Throughout its history, British television has found a place, if only in its margins, for programmes that consciously worked to expand the boundaries of television aesthetics. Even in the present climate of increased academic interest in television history, its experimental tradition has generally either been approached generically or been lost within the assumption that television is simply a mass medium. Avaible for the first time in paperback, Experimental British television uncovers the history of experimental television, bringing back forgotten programmes in addition to looking at relatively more privileged artists or programme strands from fresh perspectives. The book therefore goes against the grain of dominant television studies, which tends to place the medium within the flow of the 'everyday', in order to scrutinise those productions that attempted to make more serious interventions within the medium.

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