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Tackling Child Sexual Abuse: Radical Approaches to Prevention, Protection and Support (ePub eBook)

Tackling Child Sexual Abuse: Radical Approaches to Prevention, Protection and Support (ePub eBook)

eBook by Nelson, Sarah

Tackling Child Sexual Abuse: Radical Approaches to Prevention, Protection and Support (ePub eBook)


Publication Date:
08 Jun 2016
Bristol University Press
Policy Press
208 pages
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Tackling Child Sexual Abuse: Radical Approaches to Prevention, Protection and Support (ePub eBook)


In this outspoken and challenging book, Sarah Nelson argues that progress in addressing childhood sexual abuse has been in fearful or complacent retreat and that change is urgently needed in order to prevent abuse occurring, and to better support survivors. From this starting point, she puts forward radical suggestions for new models of practice. These are designed to provide perpetrator-focussed child protection, to encourage community approaches to prevention, and to better support those who have survived abuse. As revelations of widespread child abuse continue to emerge at an unprecedented rate, this book campaigns for change, offering policy makers and practitioners solutions for new ways in tackling sexual abuse, working alongside survivors to reduce its prevalence and impact.


Part 1: The Barriers to Progress; From rediscovery to suppression?; Lies and deception in backlash theories; Part 2: Children and Young People; Fact, myth and legacy in notorious child abuse cases: Orkney in context; Stigmatised young people: from 'abuse fodder' to key allies in child protection; Models for more effective child protection (with Liz Davies); Community prevention of CSA: a model for practice (with Norma Baldwin); Part 3: Adult Survivors of sexual abuse; Physical ill health: the serious impacts of sexual violence; Producing radical change in mental health: implications of the trauma paradigm; Pathways into crime after sexual abuse: the voices of male offenders; Rethinking sex offender programmes for survivor-perpetrators.

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