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Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming PDF ebook, Global Edition (PDF eBook) 7th edition

Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming PDF ebook, Global Edition (PDF eBook) 7th edition

eBook by Savitch, Walter/Mock, Kenrick

Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming PDF ebook, Global Edition (PDF eBook)


Publication Date:
26 Jan 2015
7th edition
1024 pages
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Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming PDF ebook, Global Edition (PDF eBook)


Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, is ideal for introductory Computer Science courses using Java, and other introductory programming courses in departments of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, CIS, MIS, IT, and Business. Students are introduced to object-oriented programming and important concepts such as design, testing and debugging, programming style, interfaces inheritance, and exception handling. The Java coverage is a concise, accessible introduction that covers key language features. Objects are covered thoroughly and early in the text, with an emphasis on application programs over applets. This program presents a better teaching and learning experiencefor you and your students. A Concise, Accessible Introduction to Java: Key Java language features are covered in an accessible manner that resonates with introductory programmers. Tried-and-true Pedagogy: Numerous case studies, programming examples, and programming tips are used to help teach problem-solving and programming techniques. Flexible Coverage that Fits your Course: Flexibility charts and optional graphics sections allow instructors to order chapters and sections based on their course needs. Instructor and Student Resources that Enhance Learning: Resources are available to expand on the topics presented in the text. The full text downloaded to your computer. With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends Print 5 pages at a time Compatible for PCs and MACs No expiry (offline access will remain whilst the Bookshelf software is installed. eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the VitalSource Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad/Android app. When the eBook is purchased, you will receive an email with your access code. Simply go to to download the FREE Bookshelf software. After installation, enter your access code for your eBook. Time limit The VitalSource products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your VitalSource products whilst you have your VitalSource Bookshelf installed.


Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers and Java 1 1.1 COMPUTER BASICS 2 Hardware and Memory 3 Programs 6 Programming Languages, Compilers, and Interpreters 7 Java Bytecode 9 Class Loader 11 1.2 A SIP OF JAVA 12 History of the Java Language 12 Applications and Applets 13 A First Java Application Program 14 Writing, Compiling, and Running a Java Program 19 1.3 PROGRAMMING BASICS 21 Object-Oriented Programming 21 Algorithms 25 Testing and Debugging 27 Software Reuse 28 1.4 GRAPHICS SUPPLEMENT 30 A Sample Graphics Applet 30 Size and Position of Figures 32 Drawing Ovals and Circles 34 Drawing Arcs 35 Running an Applet 37 Chapter 2 Basic Computation 47 2.1 VARIABLES AND EXPRESSIONS 48 Variables 49 Data Types 51 Java Identifiers 53 Assignment Statements 55 Simple Input 58 Simple Screen Output 60 Constants 60 Named Constants 62 Assignment Compatibilities 63 Type Casting 65 Arithmetic Operators 68 Parentheses and Precedence Rules 71 Specialized Assignment Operators 72 Case Study: Vending Machine Change 74 Increment and Decrement Operators 79 More About the Increment and Decrement Operators 80 2.2 THE CLASS STRING 81 String Constants and Variables 81 Concatenation of Strings 82 String Methods 83 String Processing 85 Escape Characters 88 The Unicode Character Set 89 2.3 KEYBOARD AND SCREEN I/O 91 Screen Output 91 Keyboard Input 94 Other Input Delimiters (Optional) 99 Formatted Output with printf (Optional) 101 2.4 DOCUMENTATION AND STYLE 103 Meaningful Variable Names 103 Comments 104 Indentation 107 Using Named Constants 107 2.5 GRAPHICS SUPPLEMENT 109 Style Rules Applied to a Graphics Applet 110 Creating a Java GUI Application with the JFrame Class 110 Introducing the Class JOptionPane 113 Reading Input as Other Numeric Types 123 Programming Example: Change-Making Program with Windowing I/O 124 Chapter 3 Flow of Control: Branching 139 3.1 THE IF-ELSE STATEMENT 140 The Basic if-else Statement 141 Boolean Expressions 148 Comparing Strings 153 Nested if-else Statements 158 Multibranch if-else Statements 160 Programming Example: Assigning Letter Grades 162 Case Study: Body Mass Index 165 The Conditional Operator (Optional) 168 The exit Method 168 3.2 THE TYPE BOOLEAN 169 Boolean Variables 170 Precedence Rules 171 Input and Output of Boolean Values 174 3.3 THE SWITCH STATEMENT 176 Enumerations 182 3.4 GRAPHICS SUPPLEMENT 183 Specifying a Drawing Color 184 A Dialog Box for a Yes-or-No Question 187 Chapter 4 Flow of Control: Loops 199 4.1 JAVA LOOP STATEMENTS 200 The while Statement 201 The do-while Statement 204 Programming Example: Bug Infestation 209 Programming Example: Nested Loops 215 The for Statement 217 Declaring Variables within a for Statement 223 Using a Comma in a for Statement (Optional) 224 The for-each Statement 226 4.2 PROGRAMMING WITH LOOPS 226 The Loop Body 227 Initializing Statements 228 Controlling the Number of Loop Iterations 229 Case Study: Using a Boolean Variable to End a Loop 231 Programming Example: Spending Spree 233 The break Statement and continue Statement in Loops (Optional) 236 Loop Bugs 239 Tracing Variables 241 Assertion Checks 243 4.3 GRAPHICS SUPPLEMENT 245 Programming Example: A Multiface Applet 245 The drawstring Method 250 Chapter 5 Defining Classes and Methods 267 5.1 CLASS AND METHOD DEFINITIONS 269 Class Files and Separate Compilation 271 Programming Example: Implementing a Dog Class 271 Instance Variables 272 Methods 275 Defining void Methods 278 Defining Methods That Return a Value 279 Programming Example: First Try at Implementing a Species Class 284 The Keyword this 288 Local Variables 290 Blocks 292 Parameters of a Primitive Type 293 5.2 INFORMATION HIDING AND ENCAPSULATION 299 Information Hiding 300 Precondition and Postcondition Comments 300 The public and private Modifiers 302 Programming Example: A Demonstration of Why Instance Variables Should Be Private 305 Programming Example: Another Implementation of a Class of Rectangles 306 Accessor Methods and Mutator Methods 308 Programming Example: A Purchase Class 312 Methods Calling Methods 316 Encapsulation 322 Automatic Documentation with javadoc 325 UML Class Diagrams 326 5.3 OBJECTS AND REFERENCES 327 Variables of a Class Type 328 Defining an equals Method for a Class 333 Programming Example: A Species Class 337 Boolean-Valued Methods 340 Case Study: Unit Testing 342 Parameters of a Class Type 344 Programming Example: Class-Type Parameters Versus Primitive-Type Parameters 348 5.4 GRAPHICS SUPPLEMENT 352 The Graphics Class 352 Programming Example: Multiple Faces, but with a Helping Method 354 The Graphics2D Class and the Java2DTM API 358 The init Method 360 Adding Labels to an Applet 361 Chapter 6 More About Objects and Methods 383 6.1 CONSTRUCTORS 383 Defining Constructors 385 Calling Methods from Constructors 394 Calling a Constructor from Other Constructors (Optional) 397 6.2 STATIC VARIABLES AND STATIC METHODS 399 Static Variables 399 Static Methods 400 Dividing the Task of a main Method into Subtasks 407 Adding a main Method to a Class 408 The Math Class 410 Wrapper Classes 413 6.3 WRITING METHODS 419 Case Study: Formatting Output 419 Decomposition 425 Addressing Compiler Concerns 426 Testing Methods 428 6.4 OVERLOADING 430 Overloading Basics 430 Overloading and Automatic Type Conversion 433 Overloading and the Return Type 436 Programming Example: A Class for Money 438 6.5 INFORMATION HIDING REVISITED 445 Privacy Leaks 445 6.6 ENUMERATION AS A CLASS 449 6.7 PACKAGES 451 Packages and Importing 452 Package Names and Directories 453 Name Clashes 456 6.8 GRAPHICS SUPPLEMENT 457 Adding Buttons 457 Event-Driven Programming 459 Programming Buttons 459 Programming Example: A Complete Applet with Buttons 463 Adding Icons 466 Changing Visibility 468 Programming Example: An Example of Changing Visibility 468 Chapter 7 Arrays 491 7.1 ARRAY BASICS 493 Creating and Accessing Arrays 494 Array Details 497 The Instance Variable length 500 More About Array Indices 503 Initializing Arrays 506 7.2 ARRAYS IN CLASSES AND METHODS 508 Case Study: Sales Report 508 Indexed Variables as Method Arguments 516 Entire Arrays as Arguments to a Method 519 Arguments for the Method main 520 Array Assignment and Equality 521 Methods That Return Arrays 524 7.3 PROGRAMMING WITH ARRAYS AND CLASSES 528 Programming Example: A Specialized List Class 528 Partially Filled Arrays 536 7.4 SORTING AND SEARCHING ARRAYS 538 Selection Sort 538 Other Sorting Algorithms 542 Searching an Array 544 7.5 MULTIDIMENSIONAL ARRAYS 545 Multidimensional-Array Basics 546 Multidimensional-Array Parameters and Returned Values 549 Java's Representation of Multidimensional Arrays 552 Ragged Arrays (Optional) 553 Programming Example: Employee Time Records 555 7.6 GRAPHICS SUPPLEMENT 561 Text Areas and Text Fields 561 Programming Example: A Question-and-Answer Applet 561 The Classes JTextArea and JTextField 564 Drawing Polygons 566 Chapter 8 Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interfaces 589 8.1 INHERITANCE BASICS 590 Derived Classes 592 Overriding Method Definitions 596 Overriding Versus Overloading 597 The final Modifier 597 Private Instance Variables and Private Methods of a Base Class 598 UML Inheritance Diagrams 600 8.2 PROGRAMMING WITH INHERITANCE 603 Constructors in Derived Classes 603 The this Method-Again 605 Calling an Overridden Method 605 Programming Example: A Derived Class of a Derived Class 606 Another Way to Define the equals Methods in Undergraduate 611 Type Compatibility 611 The Class Object 616 A Better equals Method 618 8.3 POLYMORPHISM 620 Dynamic Binding and Inheritance 620 Dynamic Binding with toString 623 8.4 INTERFACES AND ABSTRACT CLASSES 625 Class Interfaces 625 Java Interfaces 626 Implementing an Interface 627 An Interface as a Type 629 Extending an Interface 632 Case Study: Character Graphics 633 Case Study: The Comparable Interface 646 Abstract Classes 650 8.5 GRAPHICS SUPPLEMENT 652 The Class JApplet 653 The Class JFrame 653 Window Events and Window Listeners 656 The ActionListener Interface 658 What to Do Next 658 Chapter 9 Exception Handling 671 9.1 BASIC EXCEPTION HANDLING 672 Exceptions in Java 673 Predefined Exception Classes 683 9.2 DEFINING yOUR OWN EXCEPTION CLASSES 685 9.3 MORE ABOUT EXCEPTION CLASSES 695 Declaring Exceptions (Passing the Buck) 695 Kinds of Exceptions 698 Errors 700 Multiple Throws and Catches 701 The finally Block 707 Rethrowing an Exception (Optional) 708 Case Study: A Line-Oriented Calculator 709 9.4 GRAPHICS SUPPLEMENT 721 Exceptions in GUIs 721 Programming Example: A JFrame GUI Using Exceptions 721 Chapter 10 Streams, File I/O, and Networking 739 10.1 AN OVERVIEW OF STREAMS AND FILE I/O 741 The Concept of a Stream 741 Why Use Files for I/O? 742 Text Files and Binary Files 742 10.2 TEXT-FILE I/O 744 Creating a Text File 744 Appending to a Text File 750 Reading from a Text File 752 10.3 TECHNIQUES FOR ANY FILE 755 The Class File 755 Programming Example: Reading a File Name from the Keyboard 755 Using Path Names 757 Methods of the Class File 758 Defining a Method to Open a Stream 760 Case Study: Processing a Comma-Separated Values File 762 10.4 BASIC BINARY-FILE I/O 765 Creating a Binary File 765 Writing Primitive Values to a Binary File 767 Writing Strings to a Binary File 770 Some Details About writeUTF 771 Reading from a Binary File 772 The Class EOFException 778 Programming Example: Processing a File of Binary Data 780 10.5 BINARY-FILE I/O WITH OBJECTS AND ARRAYS 785 Binary-File I/O with Objects of a Class 785 Some Details of Serialization 789 Array Objects in Binary Files 790 10.6 NETWORK COMMUNICATION WITH STREAMS 793 10.7 GRAPHICS SUPPLEMENT 799 Programming Example: A JFrame GUI for Manipulating Files 799 Chapter 11 Recursion 821 11.1 THE BASICS OF RECURSION 822 Case Study: Digits to Words 826 How Recursion Works 830 Infinite Recursion 834 Recursive Methods Versus Iterative Methods 836 Recursive Methods That Return a Value 838 11.2 PROGRAMMING WITH RECURSION 842 Programming Example: Insisting That User Input Be Correct 842 Case Study: Binary Search 844 Programming Example: Merge Sort-A Recursive Sorting Method 852 Chapter 12 Dynamic Data Structures and Generics 869 12.1 ARRAY-BASED DATA STRUCTURES 871 The Class ArrayList 872 Creating an Instance of ArrayList 872 Using the Methods of ArrayList 874 Programming Example: A To-Do List 878 Parameterized Classes and Generic Data Types 881 12.2 THE JAVA COLLECTIONS FRAMEWORK 881 The Collection Interface 881 The Class HashSet 882 The Map Interface 884 The Class HashMap 884 12.3 LINKED DATA STRUCTURES 887 The Class LinkedList 887 Linked Lists 888 Implementing the Operations of a Linked List 891 A Privacy Leak 898 Inner Classes 899 Node Inner Classes 900 Iterators 900 The Java Iterator Interface 912 Exception Handling with Linked Lists 912 Variations on a Linked List 914 Other Linked Data Structures 916 12.4 GENERICS 917 The Basics 917 Programming Example: A Generic Linked List 920 APPENDICES 1 Getting Java 941 2 Running Applets 942 3 Protected and Package Modifiers 944 4 The DecimalFormat Class 945 Other Pattern Symbols 946 5 Javadoc 949 Commenting Classes for Use within javadoc 949 Running javadoc 950 6 Differences Between C++ and Java 952 Primitive Types 952 Strings 952 Flow of Control 952 Testing for Equality 953 main Method (Function) and Other Methods 953 Files and Including Files 953 Class and Method (Function) Definitions 954 No Pointer Types in Java 954 Method (Function) Parameters 954 Arrays 954 Garbage Collection 955 Other Comparisons 955 7 Unicode Character Codes 956 8 Introduction to Java 8 Functional Programming 957 INDEX 962

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