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Science, Entertainment and Television Documentary (ePub eBook) 1st ed. 2016

Science, Entertainment and Television Documentary (ePub eBook) 1st ed. 2016

eBook by Campbell, Vincent

Science, Entertainment and Television Documentary (ePub eBook)


Publication Date:
13 May 2016
1st ed. 2016
Springer Nature
Palgrave Macmillan
228 pages
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Science, Entertainment and Television Documentary (ePub eBook)


The shift from traditional documentary to Ofactual entertainmentO television has been the subject of much debate and criticism, particularly with regard to the representation of science. New types of factual programming that combine documentary techniques with those of entertainment formats (such as drama, game-shows and reality TV) have come in for strident criticism. Often featuring spectacular visual effects produced by Computer Generated Imagery these programmes blur the boundaries between mainstream science and popular beliefs. Through close analysis of programmes across a range of sciences, this book explores these issues to see if criticisms of such hybrid programmes as representing the Orotting carcass of science TVO really are valid. Campbell considers if in fact; when considered in relation to the principles, practices and communication strategies of different sciences; these shows can be seen to offer more complex and rich representations that construct sciences as objects of wonder, awe and the sublime.


Acknowledgements 1) Introduction: The Changing Landscape of Science Television 2) Analytical Frameworks: Science, Documentary and Factual Entertainment 3) Space Sciences: Wonders of the Cosmos 4) Palaeontology: Monsters from Lost Worlds 5) Archaeology: Ancient Secrets and Treasures 6) Earth and Atmospheric Sciences: Extreme Weather and Natural Disasters 7) Pseudoscience and Popular Beliefs Bibliography

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